Etiket Arşivi: Republic

Fransada iğtişaşlar ilə əlaqədar xəbərdarlıq

No:364/23, Fransada iğtişaşlar ilə əlaqədar xəbərdarlıq   Fransada iğtişaşlar ilə əlaqədar xəbərdarlıq⬇️⬇️⬇️–Alert about the riots in France⬇️⬇️⬇️ — MFA Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 (@AzerbaijanMFA) July 1, 2023       Fransada Əlcəzair əsilli yeniyetmənin polis tərəfindən qəddarcasına öldürülməsi nəticəsində baş verən iğtişaşları, polis tərəfindən kütləvi zorakılığı, vətəndaş itaətsizliyini, hakimiyyət orqanları tərəfindən adekvat addım atmaq qabiliyyətinin olmamasını, irqçi təmayüllü tendensiyaların daha da güclənməsini ...

Devamını Oku »

Alert about the riots in France

No:364/23, Alert about the riots in France   Fransada iğtişaşlar ilə əlaqədar xəbərdarlıq⬇️⬇️⬇️–Alert about the riots in France⬇️⬇️⬇️ — MFA Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 (@AzerbaijanMFA) July 1, 2023     Taking into account the riots taking place in France as a result of the brutal killing of an Algerian teenager by the police, the mass violence committed by the police, civil disobedience, ...

Devamını Oku »

Presentation of copies of Letter of Credence of the Ambassador of Slovakia

Presentation of copies of Letter of Credence of the Ambassador of Slovakia   Presentation of copies of Letter of Credence of the Ambassador of Slovakia | — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) June 29, 2023       .2023       Presentation of copies of Letter of Credence of the Ambassador of Slovakia | — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) June ...

Devamını Oku »

Presentation of copies of the Credentials

Presentation of copies of the Credentials     Presentation of copies of the Credentials — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) June 27, 2023   .2023. jpg   Presentation of copies of the Credentials — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) June 27, 2023       On June 27, 2023, Salohiddin Kirom, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to ...

Devamını Oku »

Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of Kuwait

Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of Kuwait     Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of Kuwait — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) June 27, 2023   .2023. jpg   Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of Kuwait — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) June 27, 2023     On June 26, ...

Devamını Oku »

Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy     Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy EU — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) June 26, 2023   .2023. .jpg   Meeting of the ...

Devamını Oku »

Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden

Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden   Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) June 26, 2023   .2023 Previous Next   Meeting of the Minister of Foreign ...

Devamını Oku »

Meeting with the delegation of the Republic of Korea

Meeting with the delegation of the Republic of Korea .2023   -2023-.jpg     Meeting with the delegation of the Republic of Korea — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) June 20, 2023       On June 20, 2023, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Farhod Salim met with the delegation of the Republic of ...

Devamını Oku »

Participation of the Permanent Representative of Tajikistan to the UN in Security Council meeting on Afghanistan

  Participation of the Permanent Representative of Tajikistan to the UN in Security Council meeting on Afghanistan — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) June 23, 2023     Participation of the Permanent Representative of Tajikistan to the UN in Security Council meeting on Afghanistan .2023     Participation of the Permanent Representative of Tajikistan to the UN in Security Council meeting ...

Devamını Oku »

Meeting with the Deputy Regional Director of UN Women for Europe and Central Asia

Meeting with the Deputy Regional Director of UN Women for Europe and Central Asia   Meeting with the Deputy Regional Director of UN Women for Europe and Central Asia — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) June 14, 2023     .2023 Previous Next     Meeting with the Deputy Regional Director of UN Women for Europe and Central Asia ...

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