Etiket Arşivi: Ashrafjon Gulov

Meeting with the Rector of the University of Economics and Technology of Türkiye (TOBB ETÜ)

Meeting with the Rector of the University of Economics and Technology of Türkiye (TOBB ETÜ)     Meeting with the Rector of the University of Economics and Technology of Türkiye (TOBB ETÜ) — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) June 13, 2023   .2023   Meeting with the Rector of the University of Economics and Technology of Türkiye (TOBB ETÜ) ...

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Türkiye Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi (TOBB ETÜ) Rektörü ile Görüşme

Türkiye Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi (TOBB ETÜ) Rektörü ile Görüşme .2023   Meeting with the Rector of the University of Economics and Technology of Türkiye (TOBB ETÜ) — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) June 13, 2023       Öncesi Sonraki     Meeting with the Rector of the University of Economics and Technology of Türkiye (TOBB ETÜ) ...

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Büyükelçinin Türkiye Başsavcılığı ile görüşmesi

Büyükelçinin Türkiye Başsavcılığı ile görüşmesi 09.06.2023 Öncesi Sonraki   Meeting of the Ambassador with the Attorney General of Turkiye — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) June 9, 2023     Tacikistan Cumhuriyeti Büyükelçisi Ashrafjon Gulov, 8 Haziran 2023 tarihinde Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başsavcısı Bekir Şahin ile görüştü.     Meeting of the Ambassador with the Attorney General of Turkiye ...

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Meeting of the Ambassador with the Attorney General of Turkiye

Meeting of the Ambassador with the Attorney General of Turkiye 09.06.2023 Previous Next   Meeting of the Ambassador with the Attorney General of Turkiye — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) June 9, 2023     On June 8, 2023, the Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan Ashrafjon Gulov met with the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Turkiye Bekir Shahin. ...

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Ceremony of presenting state awards by the President of Turkey

Ceremony of presenting state awards by the President of Turkey — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) May 2, 2023     Ceremony of presenting state awards by the President of Turkey 02.05.2023 Previous Next Ambassador of Tajikistan to Turkey Ashrafjon Gulov and Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Emergency Situations and Civil Defense of the Republic of Tajikistan, General Sulaimon ...

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Meeting of the Ambassador with the Rector of OSTIM University

  Meeting of the Ambassador with the Rector of OSTIM University  | — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) April 13, 2023     Meeting of the Ambassador with the Rector of OSTIM University 13.04.2023 Previous Next On April 12, Ambassador of Tajikistan in Turkiye Ashrafjon Gulov met with the Rector of OSTIM University, Professor Dr. Murat Yulek.     Meeting of ...

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Presentation of the Ambassador on “Water Diplomacy of Tajikistan” at OSTIM University

  Presentation of the Ambassador on “Water Diplomacy of Tajikistan” at OSTIM University | — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) April 13, 2023   Presentation of the Ambassador on “Water Diplomacy of Tajikistan” at OSTIM University 13.04.2023 Previous Next On April 12, the Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Republic of Turkiye Ashrafjon Gulov gave a speech to the ...

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ASHRAFJON GULOV, TACİK KURTARMA EKİBİMİZ BİR MUCİZEYE DAHA İMZA ATTILAR         Tacikistan Cumhuriyeti Ankara Büyükelçisi Ashrafjon Gulov, Bugün Tacik Kurtarma ekibinin özverili çalışmalarından dolayı 3 yaşındaki Yavuz Canbaz adinda bir çocuğun enkaz altında kurtarmasından sonra Bir açıklama yaptı. Tacikistan Cumhuriyeti Ankara Büyükelçisi Ashrafjon Gulov, Açıklamasında şu ifadelere yer verdi; Tacik halkı, eskiden beri barışsever, dost ve ittifak ...

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Tacik kurtarma ekipleri İstanbul’a ulaştı

Tacik kurtarma ekipleri İstanbul’a ulaştı       Tacikistan kurtarma ekipleri İstanbul’a geldi ve depremden en çok zarar gören bölge Kahramanmaraşa seferber olacaklar. 9 Şubat sabahı 50 Tacik kurtarıcı, bir cerrah ve bir sağlık görevlisini, İstanbul Havalimaninda Tacikistan Cumhuriyeti Ankara Büyükelçisi Ashrafjon Gulov, İstanbul Başkonsolosu Zohir Mirzozoda ve Türk üst düzey yetkilileri tarafından karşılandı. Uçakla Gaziantep’e, oradan da Kahramanmaraş’a gönderilecekler. ...

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Meeting of the Ambassador with the Chairman of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK)

  Meeting of the Ambassador with the Chairman of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) February 3, 2023       Meeting of the Ambassador with the Chairman of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) .2023 .jpg On February 1, 2023, the Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan ...

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